Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Love New York

Yes, it's true. I love New York. I wholly, completely LOVE New York.

Here's why, in no particular order:
  1. My amazing friends (this is definitely the top reason)!
  2. Live music every night of every genre! And most of the time, you can get up real close to actually SEE the musicians playing!
  3. People wash, dry and fold your dirty laundry for you!
  4. Delicious food of every possible nationality!
  5. My TONY subscription! I practically live by it!
  6. The BEST chai lattes in the world comes out of a TRUCK!
  7. It's always beautiful in Central Park, no matter the season!
  8. Celebrity sightings (on my first day back, I saw Kanye West on St. Marks)!
  9. Broadway shows and musicals, rush tickets!
  10. The subways run 24 hours a day!
  11. There are vegan restaurants that actually taste good!
  12. Seeing creativity everywhere, which encourages you to be more creative yourself!
The list continues, but what are YOUR reasons for loving New York?

© Connie Hum 2009


  1. Hold on...tell me about this laundry thing! Who exactly is doing your laundry?

  2. Tee hee. Juan! There are HUNDREDS of laundromats in NYC where you just pay a little extra to have them do your laundry FOR you. It's GREAT! =)


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